About Us


Sinegraf is an Istanbul based, innovative production company, which develops, produces and post-produces original concept drama pictures for theatrical release and television. It has involved with diverse production projects that combine commercial and artistic values to entertain and enlighten.
It utilizes a core of professionals and relies on extensive freelance staff for its various projects. During its 39 years of existence, Sinegraf gained experience of producing commercials, TV dramas and feature films anywhere in Turkey, and worked with professionals and companies from and in Europe.
Sinegraf was founded by Osman Sinav and his associates in 1984 and initially produced a number of commercials, informative programs and occasionally films for television. After this period all production concerns have been exclusively for drama pictures for television and cinema, for which original concepts and stories solely developed within the company. Thus far we have achieved a level of respect and admiration within Turkey as our productions enjoys large public attention and solid number of viewers.
Sinegraf, which was founded by Osman Sınav and his partners in 1984, continues the production process that it started with the production of television commercials, informative programs and television movies, giving priority to television series and motion picture projects. Sinegraf productions, which have a wide audience, have aroused great interest, admiration and respect throughout Turkey.
Sinegraf, under Osman Sinav’s leadership is working on projects aiming for a wider appeal in order to reach audiences over our boundaries and eager to work with professionals from various origins. It is our intention to tell stories that would captivate audience, describing alternative ways and life styles deriving from our own culture and common values that are universal.



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